Page 342 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 342
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
ored and aromatic banana reveals itself. An apple’s peel can
be red, green, or yellow with a smooth glaze. Inside, the
juice has its own particular taste and smell, neither of which
scientists can reproduce. So, we may ask ourselves, why do
all flowers, trees, vegetables, and fruits have such different
colors even though they all come from the same soil? This is
proof of Allah’s infinite knowledge and unique creation.
People cannot create a new color. All colors that we pro-
duce are derived from colors in nature. But Allah, Who cre-
ates from nothing, created all colors that complete every
thing in the world. One of the names of Almighty Allah is
the Al-Musawwa (The Shaper).
Allah clothes all plants with
colors and attractive appear-
ances so that they will appeal to
the human spirit. Fruits, veg-
etables, trees, and flowers all
have an incomparable variety
of colors, esthetic appearance,
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