Page 345 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 345
strawberry, or see hundreds of
grapes growing on a dry branch, we will re-
member, hopefully, that Allah created them.
Out of His generosity and love for humanity, He
offers us the best and the most beautiful of every-
Human beings cannot create such blessings. We
can imitate them, but they will not awake in our spirits
the deep amazement and excitement produced by the nat-
ural ones. For example, an artificial flower will never pro-
duce within us the same psychologically positive feelings as
a flower growing in a garden does. Moreover, in His infinite
generosity, Allah has offered all of these blessings to us and
has spread them throughout the world. Their amazing rich-
ness and variety awaken immense pleasure in human be-
ings. Indeed, we are indebted to Allah for all of these pleas-
ant and beautiful things that move the human spirit. Apart
from His will and mercy, we could not attain
even one of these blessings:
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