Page 350 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 350
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
Those who consider seeds to be no
more than insignificant objects might think
that they are something like fruit pits or twigs.
Plant each of these and see what happens.
Only the seeds, provided that their needs
are met, will sprout and produce a vari-
ety of plants. What makes them different
from a splinter of wood? For
one thing, seeds contain in-
formation about every
branch and stem of the
plant species to
which they belong.
They know about
every leaf, their
number and shapes,
their thickness and what
color their bark or cover-
ing will be; their width and
the number of capillaries that
will carry nutrients and water,
their height and whether they
will produce fruit or not; and how the fruit
will taste and smell, what shape and color it
will have, and everything else.
If we saw seeds for the first time and
knew nothing about them or what they were
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