Page 354 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 354
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
Photosynthesis replaces this lost oxygen and makes it possi-
ble for life to continue.
Photosynthesis is an extremely important process, one
characterized by a perfect balance between the energy con-
sumed by plants and animals. Plants give us glucose and
oxygen, both of which we combine and burn it in our cells.
In this way, the Sun’s energy that plants have added to the
glucose is released for our use. What we do is actually the re-
verse of photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide from our lungs is
released into the atmosphere and is immediately used by
plants for photosynthesis. This amazing process, which we
take for granted if we ever think about it at all, is also auto-
matic. Could trees and flowers have created such a process,
which is still not fully understood, on their own? Could
plants have designed the mechanism that formed the special
root system that extracts the materials needed for photosyn-
thesis from the soil, or a transport system with different
kinds of channels to transport nutrients and water? We
could multiply these questions, but every answer would
point to the same thing: Every aspect of a plant has a differ-
ent beauty.
Such characteristics require intelligence, knowledge,
the abilities to measure and evaluate—none of which plants
have. In the absence of such abilities and awareness, we
must conclude that all plants are the creations of Allah, Who
has supreme intelligence, sustains His creations, and fulfills
all of their needs. He plans, considers, and calculates every-
thing flawlessly for the sake of our good, comfort, health,
and, most importantly, life.
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