Page 358 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 358
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
Among the most amazing characteristics of all
fruits are their total compatibility with human taste and its
health benefits. Each fruit has its own delicious taste and
aroma, both of which are derived from materials they obtain
from the soil. But soil does not smell so good and tastes bad.
A tree takes what it needs from this mass of mud, puts them
through a chemical process, and creates wonderful tastes
and aromas. However, we must realize that goodness of
taste and smell is a human idea, as is a person’s sense of
pleasure and that both of these are, of course, unknown to
trees. If a tree were to fulfill these functions without being
inspired by Allah, it would have to learn why we take plea-
sure from delicious tastes and what tastes we like, and then
devise and implement a chemical process to carry out this
job with materials gathered from the soil.
The incredible ability of a tree is not limited to smell,
taste, and color. This wooden structure knows what vita-
mins we need, puts them inside its fruit, and even adds the
needed vitamins according to the season. Such winter fruits
as oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits are richer in vitamin
C than summer fruits, so that they can protect people
against the cold. How and why do these things occur? How
can a piece of wood like a tree produce good tastes and aro-
mas? How can it know what pleases people, meet their es-
thetical sense, supply the necessary vitamins, and produce
something on the basis of these requirements? If we try to
make with our own hands what a tree produces, we would
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