Page 362 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 362

In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful

                    has existed in every seed.
                         Now, who puts this information in the seed? From what
                    we have learned above, only Allah, the Creator of all, could
                    have done such a marvelous thing. The various characteris-
                    tics of seeds, together with the amazing information they
                    contain, are examples for believers of Allah’s incomparable
                    creative artistry and are displayed to bring them closer to

                    Allah and follow His path more carefully. The infinite
                    amount information placed in tiny seeds and the resulting
                    varied incomparable plants that come from them show us
                    once again His almighty power. He tells us of this truth in
                    the Qur’an;

                         Allah splits the seed and kernel. He brings forth the liv-
                         ing from the dead, and produces the dead out of the liv-
                         ing. That is Allah, so how are you led astray? (Surat al-
                         An’am, 95)
                         All of these miraculous events and wonders, both hid-
                    den and visible, have been given to us as blessings. We can-
                    not make even one grape or the color of one flower, for we
                    need Him in everything. He needs nothing, and yet is infi-

                    nitely generous, merciful, and gracious to all of creation. In
                    His sublime artistry, Allah created these blessings with their
                    complex, miraculous systems so that we might come to
                    know Him.

                             The proofs created in fruits are great blessings from
                    Allah. For example, a melon’s spongy cells can carry a large

                    amount of water, which they spread equally throughout the

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