Page 365 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 365

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

               and then watched it in fast

               motion, we might think that
               ivy had some sort of con-
               scious awareness. It pushes it-
               self forward along a branch as if
               it knew there was a branch there,
               and attaches itself to it as if it were throwing a
               lasso. Sometimes it even anchors itself as it ad-
               vances. In this way it moves quickly and, when it
               comes to the branch’s end, turns around or finds

               a new path downwards. Believers who witness
               this see once again that Allah created every living
               thing with its own flawless systems. If we contin-
               ued to observe its movement, we would notice
               another important characteristic: It sprouts tenta-
               cles along its sides, which allow it to cling strong-
               ly to a wall. The resulting adhesive is so strong

               that if it were removed from any surface, it
               would pull some of the paint off as well. Who
               else could have created such an amazing phe-
               nomenon other than Allah, Who created them
               out of His mercy?

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