Page 62 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 62
60 The Struggle of the Messengers
inventing lies against Allah if we returned to your religion
after Allah has saved us from it. We could never return to it
unless Allah our Lord so willed. Our Lord encompasses
everything in His knowledge. We have put our trust in Allah.
Our Lord, judge between us and our people with truth. You are
the best of judges." (Surat al-A'raf, 88-89)
Recite to them the story of Noah, when he said to his people:
"My people, if my standing here and reminding you of Allah's
signs has become too much for you to bear, know that I have
put my trust in Allah. So decide, you and your deities, on what
you want to do, and be open about it. Do with me whatever you
decide, and do not keep me waiting." (Surah Yunus, 71)
Indeed, in the Qur'an the Messengers are told to be determined
and secure against the unbelievers:
Say to those who do not believe: "Do as you think best. That is
what we are doing." (Surah Hud, 121)
There can be no question of a Messenger fearing or hesitating
when confronted by the unbelievers, because they are "those who
conveyed Allah's message and had fear of Him, fearing no one
except Allah" (Surat al-Ahzab, 39).
The reason for a Messenger's and the believers' resolute and
courageous nature in such cases comes from their ability to
understand each event's inner and secret truth: No thing and no
person can escape what Allah has willed for them. Unbelievers are
totally unaware of this truth and so think that their plans will
succeed. However, they always fail to understand that they
cannot do anything without Allah's permission, because it is He
Who wills all that happens to each thing and person.
Therefore, the traps that unbelievers set for believers, their