Page 67 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 67

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                  65

             faces, because most of the elite have reached the apex of denial
             and corruption. They are degenerate. Throughout history,
             perversion, dishonesty, and other such corruptions have been
             among the defining characteristics of the great majority. But the
             people in question have hidden their degenerate lives from the

             general public. Revealing it is one of ways to make others aware of
             such people's disgrace and humiliation.
               Unbelievers fear believers, and are shaken by the Messengers'
             and the believers' strength, intelligence, and determination:
               You are a greater cause of terror in their breasts than Allah!
               This is because they are people who do not understand. (Surat
               al-Hashr, 13)
               In another verse, Allah reveals that they will be filled with fear:

               We will cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers because
               they have associated others with Allah, [a practice] for which
               He has sent down no authority. Their shelter will be the Fire.
               How evil is the abode of the wrongdoers! (Surah Al 'Imran,
               All of the Messengers mentioned in the Qur'an always
             defeated the unbelievers. Every people that did not listen to their
             message and heed their warnings finally perished, and every

             wicked plan they devised was foiled.

               How the messengers foil the unbelievers' traps

               The Qur'an informs us of these traps. But most importantly, it
             tells us that Allah devises traps (or plots) in return for those who
             reject His existence. As revealed in the Qur'an: "They plotted and

             Allah plotted. But Allah is the best plotter" (Surah Al 'Imran, 54).
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