Page 65 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 65
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 63
In the Qur'an it is also revealed that Allah supported the
Prophet Abraham (as) and his offspring with wisdom and an
immense kingdom:
Or do they, in fact, envy other people for the bounty Allah has
granted them? We gave the family of Abraham the Book and
Wisdom, and We gave them an immense kingdom. (Surat an-
Nisa', 54)
We are told that the Prophet Joseph (as) received the same
And then when he [Joseph] became a full-grown man, We gave
him knowledge and right judgment too. That is how We
reward all doers of good. (Surah Yusuf, 22)
And later, while saying his prayers, the Prophet Joseph (as)
"My Lord, You have granted power to me in the land and
taught me the true meaning of events..." (Surah Yusuf, 101)
The Prophet David (as) also was given "kingship and wisdom"
(Surat al-Baqara, 251):
We made his [David's] kingdom strong and gave him wisdom
and decisive speech. (Surah Sâd, 20)
With such support, a Messenger engages in an intellectual
struggle against the leading unbelievers. Allah directs this
struggle. With his wisdom and insight, a Messenger always shows
his superiority in such an intellectual struggle, for the unbelievers
can never answer his sound ideas and so are always defeated.
Messengers always have the truth on their side and are always
victorious over disbelief.