Page 101 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 101
Harun Yahya 99
Moreover, if the bee fails to find any food source after traveling that
distance, she will not have the strength to get back, because bees only take
as much honey as they will use for that distance, in order to return with
more food from their destination. When that honey is used up, their
strength also evaporates. If they’re unable to reach nectar, they’ll be un-
able to return from a lack of energy.
Yet in reality, this never happens. For millions of years now, bees have
been understanding the directions given to them by their sisters—despite
the movement of the Sun and the changing angles. Bees experience no dif-
ficulties in finding sources of food, indicating that they make no mistakes
in calculating the angle with respect to the Sun. To express this in mathe-
matical terms, the bees calculate that the Sun moves 1 degree every 4 min-
utes. As a result, they’re able to keep the food source’s exact location in
mind and to “describe” it to other bees. Other bees calculate the angle ac-
cording to the changed position of the Sun, understand those directions
given, and locate the food source in question.
A careful re-reading of the preceding paragraph will show the extraor-
dinary nature of these directions given by bees. It will be useful to consid-
er those words not with their usual familiarity, but one by one, imagining
what is being described, and using our reason, logic and conscience. Very
few people are even aware of exactly how much the position of the Sun
changes in how many minutes. Yet bees, as if they were conscious of all
this, perform a precisely accurate mathematical calculation, accurate to
the minute and even to the second. Is it at all possible for a bee to perform,
of its own volition, such a calculation, which even a human who’s not an
expert on the subject could not manage? Of course not! That ability has
been given to bees by God. To claim otherwise would violate all the rules
of reason and logic. Someone who maintains that bees learned such a cal-
culation by themselves during some alleged “process of evolution” must
also claim that in hundreds of years’ time, again through that same
process, bees will be able to solve equations better than even the best-
skilled academics. No one could possibly make such a claim, and we
would have grave doubts about the sanity of anyone who did.
Adnan Oktar