Page 102 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 102
Various experiments have been car- were able to find the strength to set
ried out regarding how bees, when out only by reinforcement with sugar
they set off to look for food, take a water and honey (3-4). The reason
small quantity of it with them. In one why bees take only enough food to
experiment, bees who found a bowl permit them to reach the source is so
containing sugar water at a specific that they can carry more pollen and
distance returned to the hive (1) and nectar on their return.
described its location. The first group
of bees who set out brought food
back from the source.
Then the scientists conducting the ex- Moody Science Classic, City of the
periment placed the bowl slightly far- Bees, Moody Video: A Ministry of
ther away. The second group to arrive Moody Bible Institute, 820 N. LaSalle
Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60610-3284.
were unable to find food at the loca-
tion indicated, and were unable to re-
turn from a lack of energy (2). They