Page 99 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 99


            I  t has been established that after  mained in the hive.
               watching the dance of a forager,
                                                The boat was then pulled to the
            Ithe other bees in the hive do not  shore. A number of bees again found
            immediately set off in flight. First  it, returned to the hive and began
            they analyze the information provid-  dancing. This time, the other bees
            ed in the dance and decide whether  left the hive and headed for the boat.
            to act upon it.
            In one experiment, a small boat was  From this, the scientists concluded
            anchored in the middle of a lake near  that bees were aware of their sur-
            a hive, and food was placed in it. The  roundings and knew there was a lake
            bees eventually discovered this food,  there. Since there could be no food
            immediately returned to the hive and  source for them in the lake, they ig-
            danced to tell their fellows of the di-  nored the first bees’ “mistaken”
            rection and location of the food    dance.
            source. But even though they danced
            for a long while, the other bees disre-  James and Carol Gould, The Animal Mind,
            garded their information and re-                               p. 106.

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