Page 59 - Perfected Faith
P. 59


         every single good or wicked deed they committed. For this reason,
         none of the goals they are likely to attain in this world seem better
         than the approval of Allah they hope to attain in the hereafter.
          One of the most important attributes of sincere believers is that they
         have chosen the way of "those who are the forerunners". For this rea-
         son, they always display the attitude with which they hope to earn
         Allah's pleasure. They act with the awareness that "for every day on
         which the sun rises there is a reward of a charitable gift (sadaqa) for the one
         who establishes justice among people." (Bukhari) as stated by Allah's
         Messenger (saas). Therefore, neither family ties nor their worldly ben-
         efits hinder them from exercising justice. In the Qur'an, Allah com-
         mands as follows:
          Allah commands you to return to their owners the things you
          hold on trust and, when you judge between people, to judge
          with justice. How excellent is what Allah exhorts you to do!
          Allah is All-Hearing and All-Seeing. (Surat an-Nisa', 58)
          In another verse, Allah commands believers to be just even towards
         those for whom they feel enmity, and thus not to swerve from right-
         eousness and piety:
          You who believe! Show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing
          witness with justice. Do not let hatred for others to turn you
          away from justice. Be just. That is closer to true piety. Fear
          Allah. Allah is aware of all that you do. (Surat al-Ma'ida, 8)
          Having these attributes, the people of perfected faith, who meticu-
         lously comply with the commands of Allah, become distinctive by the
         noble attitude they assume. The members of a society where the val-
         ues of religion are not observed are consumed with the desire to take
         revenge upon those against whom they nurse anger and hold
         grudges. They cease to appeal to their consciences and their lower
         selves steer their decisions. The anger they feel and the grudges they
         bear deep inside obscure their reason and judgement. Therefore, they
         often take unsound decisions.
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