Page 55 - Perfected Faith
P. 55
wrong about something when he is actually right, he meets this criti-
cism with maturity, as in the example of the Prophet Yusuf (as):
I do not say that I myself was free from blame. The self indeed
commands one to commit evil acts—except for one to whom my
Lord has shown mercy... (Surah Yusuf, 53)
Because such an understanding of humbleness hinders him from
being self-sufficient and thus boasting of his intelligence, he benefits
from all warnings, advice and criticism.
One who, failing to remember his imperfection, boasts of his intelli-
gence and haughtily turns away from Allah, assumes an attitude con-
trary to his very nature. Allah draws attention to the fact that this is an
unattainable desire: "Certainly those who argue about the Signs of
Allah without any authority having come to them have nothing in
their breasts except for pride which they will never be able to vin-
dicate..." (Surat al-Mu'min, 56) Allah does not love anyone who is
Do not avert your face from people out of haughtiness and do
not strut about arrogantly on the earth. Allah does not love any-
one who is vain or boastful. (Surah Luqman, 18)
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) also recommended believers to
show humility towards one another:
"(Allah) has revealed to me that you should adopt humility so that no
one oppresses another." (Riyadh-us-Salaheen)
The "vain" and "boastful" have forgotten their creation and their
physical and intellectual weaknesses before Allah, which are attrib-
utes of the devil as described in the Qur'an. Allah created Adam and
commanded all His angels to prostrate themselves before him.
Deeming himself superior to man, the devil rebelled against Allah
and disobeyed this command. This wicked attitude of the devil is de-
scribed in the Qur'an:
Your Lord said to the angels, "I am going to create a human
being out of clay. When I have formed him and breathed My