Page 51 - Perfected Faith
P. 51


         with the Qur'an. They know that an understanding of compassion
         shaped by the criteria of a non-Qur'anic system would be an "evil"
          For instance, while helping someone, whether this help will be for
         the cause of the good or for a purpose that will displease Allah serves
         as the main criterion for the man of perfected faith. If this help is
         asked for a rightful purposes, then the compassion of a man of per-
         fected faith steers him into providing all forms of help. But he would
         never agree to help someone who would make use of this help to
         commit an unlawful act. This is the true compassion with which
         Allah is pleased. Hindering a person from a mistake and guiding him
         to the right path is true goodness and compassion, for which the po-
         tential wrongdoer will be truly grateful in the hereafter, though he
         may fail to grasp its importance in this world.
          Believers do not show compassion and mercy to those who have
         made it their major goal to oppose the values of religion. The criterion
         that the Qur'an lays down on this subject is as follows:
          Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with
          him are fierce to the disbelievers, merciful to one another…
          (Surat al-Fath, 29)
          Believers show compassion only to "believers", the devout servants
         of Allah. Their attitude towards disbelievers, on the other hand, is
         very firm and resolute. They do not show them compassion, since this
         is the kind of "evil compassion" we mentioned above. The attitude
         such people assume towards believers is made clear in the verse: "If
         they come upon you, they will be your enemies and stretch out
         their hands and tongues against you with evil intent, and they
         would dearly love you to become disbelievers." (Surat al-
         Mumtahana, 2) This being the case, it would obviously be unwise to
         show mercy to one who harbours deep hostility towards believers
         and seeks an opportunity to show it.
          Beside this, the mercy and compassion people of faith show to other
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