Page 53 - Perfected Faith
P. 53
Indeed, only a believer who has overcome the boundless desires of
his self and has succeeded in controlling them can be self-sacrificing
and considerate in the real sense. Indeed, perfected faith entails such
moral perfection that believers hold the interests and needs of their
brothers dearer than their own. This is the true faith, true submission
and true conscience. The Qur'an provides the following example:
Those who were already settled in the abode, and had already
embraced the faith, before they came, love those who have
sought refuge with them and do not find it in their hearts to
covet what they have been given and prefer them to themselves,
even if they themselves are needy. It is those who are safe-
guarded from the avarice of their own selves who are success-
ful. (Surat al-Hashr, 9)
As stated in the above verse, even if a man of perfected faith is in
need himself, he prefers to meet the needs and priorities of his broth-
ers. Furthermore, these noble preferences are not limited to some par-
ticular occasions; they stem from an attitude that permeates his entire
life. Even if he is hungry, sleepless and exhausted, literally in a des-
perate situation physically, he gives priority to the needs of other be-
lievers and feels no difficulty in setting aside his own needs. While
doing this, he never feels distress. Moreover, he meticulously avoids
doing anything to make the other party feel grateful.
When people who do not live by the values of religion make a com-
pulsory sacrifice, they certainly make the object of their "generosity"
feel their discontent. They make evident the anger or impatience they
feel deep inside by an indignant glance or a churlish attitude.
However, a man of true faith never stoops to displaying a surly atti-
tude to make the other party notice his sacrifice. On the contrary, he
conducts himself most nobly and renounces his rights willingly, since
Allah's knowledge of that sacrifice is enough for him. For this reason,
most of the time, the other party never feels that a sacrifice has been