Page 20 - Devoted to Allah
P. 20


             being cast into a fire is the most terrible physical suffering
             that might befall any human being in this world.
             However, Abraham (as), who faced this trial from Allah in
             the most submissive manner, was saved from this seem-
             ingly agonizing experience by the Will of Allah, and no
             harm came to him.
                 He said, “Do you then worship, instead of Allah, what
                 cannot help or harm you in any way? Shame on you
                 and what you worship besides Allah! Will you not use
                 your intellect?” They said, “Burn him and avenge your
                 gods if you are resolved to punish him!” We said,
                 “Fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham!” They
                 sought to trap him but We made them the losers.
                 (Surat al-Anbiya’: 66-70).
                 The fact that no harm will befall those who are not
             afraid to lose anything as they strive for the cause of Allah
             and that they will attain many material and spiritual re-
             wards are underlined in the Qur’an, which extols the faith
             of believers even when on the brink of defeat in battle:
                 People said, “Your enemies have gathered a great force
                 against you, so fear them.” But that merely increased
                 their faith and they said, “Allah is enough for us and
                 the Best of Guardians.” So they returned with bless-
                 ings and bounty from Allah and no evil touched them.
                 They pursued the pleasure of Allah. Allah’s favor is
                 indeed immense. It is satan that prompts men to fear
                 his followers. But do not fear them—fear Me if you are
                 true believers. Do not lament for those who rush head-
                 long into renouncing their faith. They do not harm
                 Allah in any way. Allah intends to assign no portion to
                 them in the Hereafter. They will have a terrible pun-

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