Page 19 - Devoted to Allah
P. 19
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Addendum, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi refers to this in the
words: “Regarding the head covering, a holy principle of social
life for 350 million Muslims in one thousand three hundred and
fifty years and every century, and in line with the unanimity in
the meanings of the commentaries on this subject for one thou-
sand three hundred and fifty years and in line with the beliefs of
our forefathers…” (Emirdağ Addendum, 361). As can be
seen from these statements, covering the head is a matter
enshrined by verses of the Qur’an and which Islamic
scholars have been in agreement at all times.
By behaving punctiliously on the subject of Almighty
Allah’s commandment regarding the head covering,
Muslim women live respected, honored, peaceful and
happy lives in this world and may also hope for a fine re-
ward from Allah in the Hereafter.
Believers are covetous of the Hereafter. Allah promises
believers a beautiful endless life in the Hereafter. Our Lord
promises believers that He will give a good life to His be-
lieving servants in this world, too. Yet this in no way
means that they will not encounter any hardship and trou-
bles in this world. The afflictions they encounter are de-
vised to put them to the test and make them more mature.
The obstacles a believer encounters are ostensibly dif-
ficult situations; but once met with submission, Allah
makes them easy. For instance, when his people at-
tempted to cast the Prophet Abraham (as) into the fire be-
cause of his faith, his response was the one peculiar to a
believer; he favored being thrown into the fire over aban-
doning his faith or turning away from Allah’s commands.
For someone who simply watches without having faith,