Page 14 - Devoted to Allah
P. 14


             has power over all things and it is He Who creates him
             and the whole universe, as well as understanding that
             death is not an end but a transition to the real abode of
             man (the Hereafter). Aware of these facts, he carefully
             avoids building his life on a “crumbling precipice.” He
             turns to Allah, aware that He is the real Lord and Creator
             of life, death and what lies beyond. In this order created
             by Allah – and that is also being created all the time- he
             comprehends that wealth, social status or good looks are
             not the means that lead man to salvation; they are only
             “causes” operating under the rules laid down by Allah,
             which are effective for only a brief period of time.
                 The foundation of the order that Allah has created is
             the consent of Allah. That is because Allah guides only
             those who seek His approval.
                 … Allah will guide to the ways of peace those who fol-
                 low what pleases Him. He will bring them by His will
                 from darkness to the light, and will guide them to a
                 straight path. (Surat al-Ma’ida: 16)
                 A believer is a believer because he seeks Allah’s ap-
             proval. This is the most important trait that makes a be-
             liever different from all other people. Believers know that
             religion is the true way to earn Allah’s approval, whereas
             the majority of people ignorantly consider it to be a sys-
             tem of beliefs which occupies an insignificant portion of
             their lives. Surely, these people feel the pain of their mis-
             conception of this world in all respects. However, the pain
             that they will experience in the Hereafter is definitely
             much greater.
                 Indeed, at this very point there emerges the distinction

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