Page 12 - Devoted to Allah
P. 12


             conduct in the light of this reality which has become ap-
             parent to them. Others, , by means of contrast , are either
             those who deny Allah, or, as is similar to the case of the
             people depicted in the above verse, those who do not per-
             form their duty to Allah, despite their acceptance of His
                 Throughout their lives, such people foolishly remain
             entirely oblivious of Allah, the Creator of man. He to
             Whom they owe their life and how and why they were
             granted a lifetime on earth are questions with which they
             illogically do not care to concern themselves with. They
             envision a kind of life entirely separate from Allah and
             His religion due to a rationale of their own making.
             However, the following comparison in the Qur’an makes
             it clear that such a life rests upon vain and rotten founda-
             tions and is doomed to destruction:
                 Who is better: someone who founds his building on
                 fear of Allah and His approval; or someone who
                 founds his building on the brink of a crumbling
                 precipice, so that it collapses with him into the Fire of
                 Hell? Allah does not love wrongdoers. (Surat at
                 Tawba: 109)
                 As also stated in the above verse, the lives of those
             who lack faith, as described in the Qur’an, are founded on
             the brink of a “crumbling precipice.” The major goal to
             which unbelievers are committed is the attainment of hap-
             piness and peace “in this world.” In this sense, what some
             most want is to become rich. They do their best to achieve
             this goal, making all-out physical and mental efforts. For
             others, on the other hand, becoming a respected and well-

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