Page 16 - Devoted to Allah
P. 16


             blessing which is incomparable to worldly achievements
             that is, to the approval of Allah and His Garden, also
             strive hard for their cause. Of this attribute Allah says the
                 He who desires this fleeting existence shall soon re-
                 ceive in it whatever We will: We bestow Our gifts upon
                 whoever We please. But then We will consign him to
                 Hell where he will roast, reviled and helpless. But as for
                 anyone who desires the Hereafter, and strives for it a+s
                 he ought to, being a believer, his endeavors will be
                 gratefully acknowledged. (Surat al-Isra’: 18-19)
                 A believer strives with “all due striving” for the ap-
             probation of Allah and for the Hereafter. He “sells” his
             property and his life for the cause of Allah (Surat at-
             Tawba 111).
                 No difficulty a believer encounters in the way of Allah
             undermines his commitment, provided that he has sold
             “his property and self” to Allah. Nothing but Allah’s ap-
             probation has any attraction for him. Aware that he is not
             the “owner” of his body and property, he never follows
             the vain desires of his lower self (nafs). Allah is the owner
             of his body and everything he possesses, and they will be
             put to service in compliance with Allah’s Will.
                 This aside, whether one’s determination is serious will
             also be tested by Allah. A believer must not avoid any
             struggle on Allah’s path. That is because had been there
             any question of “easy gains,” hypocrites might also per-
             form any deed which has the appearance of being in com-
             pliance with Allah’s Will—and not the actual deed with
             which Allah will be pleased—to attain this “easy gain”:

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