Page 11 - Devoted to Allah
P. 11
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
underlying this difference. (In fact, the reason they are not
sincere believers is because they have failed to grasp this
very difference.)
Muslim is actually the name Allah gives to those who
adhere to His religion. The basic attribute, referred to in
the Qur’an, that distinguishes believers from other people
is their being totally aware of Allah’s infinite might.
Awareness of Allah’s infinite might does not in all cases
mean affirmation of the existence of Our Creator,
Almighty Allah, however. In the Qur’an this fact is un-
derlined as follows:
Say: “Who provides for you out of heaven and earth?
Who controls hearing and sight? Who brings forth the
living from the dead and the dead from the living?
Who ordains all things?” They will reply, “Allah.”
Say, “Then will you not fear Allah? Such is Allah,
your Lord, the Truth, and what is there after truth ex-
cept misguidance? How then can you turn away from
Him?” (Surah Yunus: 31-32)
In the verse above, the questions are put to somebody
who expresses his belief in Allah, accepts His attributes
yet, despite all these attributes, has no fear of Allah and
thus turns away from Him. (In fact, it is revealed in the
Qur’an that satan confesses he believes in the existence of
Allah and has fear of Allah but displays a mutinous atti-
tude and a kind of ill character.
Grasping Allah’s might is not only a matter of verbal
expression. Believers are those who recognize Allah’s ex-
istence and His greatness, love and fear Him, “are stead-
fast in their duty” to Him and re-orient all their deeds and