Page 70 - Devoted to Allah
P. 70
In the Qur’an, this segment of society is defined with
phrases such as “arrogant chiefs of the people,” “those
who led lives of ease,” “those persisting in immense
wrongdoing” and “those who were unjustly proud in the
land.” Their common quality is their employment of
power and possessions to revolt against Allah and to
make mischief on earth. Allah reveals these in the verses::
We never sent a warner into any city without the af-
fluent people in it saying, “We reject what you have
been sent with.” They also said, “We have more
wealth and children. We are not going to be pun-
ished.” (Surah Saba’: 34-35)
- In accord with the information provided in these
verses, the attributes of these people can be listed as fol-
lows:The “possessions and children” given to these peo-
ple added to their arrogance and denial of Allah
(Truly, Allah is above what they ascribe to Him):
The ‘Ad were arrogant and unjust in the land, without
any right, saying, “Who has greater strength than us?”
Did they not see that Allah, Who created them, had
greater strength than them? But they renounced Our
Signs. (Surah Fussilat: 15)
However, it will be useful to clarify the following
point here: the possession of broad material means is not
a negative feature. People do need to be aware, however,
that it is Almighty Allah Who bestows these means on
them and people must not fail to give thanks to Him for
everything they possess. What is wrong is to become
proud because of the means given them in the life of this
world and for this pride to lead to denial. The people