Page 74 - Devoted to Allah
P. 74
While lacking a sincere belief in the existence of Allah
and the Hereafter, the members of the society of “igno-
rance” behave “as if they will never die.” In this society,
death continues to be one of those words that is never spo-
ken. While making plans, death is ignored outright. They
pile up fortunes as if the life of this world were perpetual.
Since these plans pertain entirely to this world, those who
recall death are called “killjoys.”
This is one of the most evident indications of the dis-
torted rationale upon which ignorant unbelievers base
their lives. Since “every soul shall taste death” (Surah Al
‘Imran: 185), a life based on feigning ignorance of death is
surely established on a rotten foundation. However, man
must employ his intellect and conscience:
- Since he is granted the desire to live forever, he must
think why his life should be restricted to 60-70 years.
- He should recognize as an unwise rationale, the as-
sumption that avoidance of the thought of death is a way
to keep death at distance. This is behaving just like an os-
trich with its head in the sand.
- He should grasp the fact that Allah, Who has shaped
him into a most perfect body out of a sperm, has the might
to recreate him and to give him a new life.
- Finally, he must keep in mind that Allah, Who prom-
ised and asserted in hundreds of verses that He would
recreate him after death, will surely keep His promise.
All of the above will lead him to comprehend that
death is not a form of disappearance, but a transition to
the Hereafter.
- In this case, he may also understand that fear of death