Page 76 - Devoted to Allah
P. 76
Everybody who has not devoted his life to Allah will
live to suffer this regret unless Allah wills otherwise.
Consider that life is too short, that there is a real eter-
nal life after the life of this world, and that one is entitled
to attain eternal life, provided that he earns the approval
of Allah in this world;
- We must concern ourselves with the real life, due to
begin after death, more than with the life of this world,
which is short and worthless next to the eternal abun-
dance promised. That is why, believers who conceive of
this fact are of those whose “sincerity has been purified
through earnest remembrance of the Abode.” (Surah Sad:
- It is utterly foolish to be deceived by the insignifi-
cance and deceptive allure of the world and become
deeply attached to it. Neither possessions, nor beauty, nei-
ther power, family, nor fame can accompany a person to
his grave. What is left in the grave is only a body wrapped
in a shroud, which undergoes a rapid process of decay
after burial.
- What will be taken to the Hereafter are the good
deeds and acts of worship done to earn the approval of
Allah. There, the temporary blessings of this world
(health, beauty, wealth and so on) will, in their most per-
fect forms, be given back to man for all eternity.
- One who fails to comprehend this fact and, remain-
ing stingy avoids spending his wealth in Allah’s way,
eventually ruins his eternal life in the Hereafter and does
harm to his own soul:
Here you are then: people who are called upon to