Page 77 - Devoted to Allah
P. 77
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
spend in the Way of Allah and then some of you are
ungenerous! But whoever is ungenerous to the cause is
ungenerous to himself. Allah is Rich and you are poor.
If you turn away, He will replace you with a people
other than yourselves and they will not be like you.
(Surah Muhammad: 38)
Those who fail to grasp this and become deeply at-
tached to this world strive to attain a so-called “immortal-
ity,” for which reason they have the desire to “leave
something in this world by which people may remember
them.” This desire appears in various forms:
- Some try to leave “works of art” behind, so that
“their name may live on.” In the Qur’an, Allah says of this
Will you build a tower on every hilltop, just to amuse
yourselves, and construct great fortresses, hoping to
live for ever? (Surat ash-Shu‘ara’: 128-129)
- This rationale best expresses itself in the desire to
“raise children.” Those who place no hope in the
Hereafter wish to have children who will carry the family
name into the future. This is the main reason why families
prefer sons.
It is stated in the Qur’an that the desire to “have chil-
dren” is merely part of the temporal pomp of this world:
Know that the life of the world is merely a game and a
diversion, ostentation and a cause of boasting among
yourselves and trying to outdo one another in wealth
and children: like the plant-growth after rain which
delights the cultivators, but then it withers and you
see it turning yellow, and then it becomes broken