Page 79 - Devoted to Allah
P. 79

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             were around them.” (Surat al-A‘raf: 157) and as the reli-
             gion that “contains no difficulties in it”:
                … He has selected you and not placed any constraint
                upon you in the observance of your religion—the reli-
                gion of your forefather Abraham In this, as in former
                scriptures he named you Muslims… (Surat al-Hajj: 78)
                In the Qur’an, Allah has summoned people to reflect and,
             recognizing the erroneous beliefs and methods they hold, to turn
             to the lifestyle deemed to be appropriate by Allah.
                The society of ignorance, however, feigning not to see
             the explicit and comprehensible message of the Qur’an,
             has, in the name of Islam, fabricated a religion bogged
             down in bigotry. Some of the characteristics of this dis-
             torted religion are as follows:
                - The religion introduced in the Qur’an summons peo-
             ple to serve Allah alone and thus commands people not to
             take other  any entities as gods except for Him.
             Accordingly, since he is not obliged to seek other people’s
             pleasure, man is only responsible for seeking Allah’s ap-
             proval. The people of the society of ignorance, however,
             have developed an understanding of religion not as a way
             to seek Allah’s pleasure but as a social institution. Owing
             to this twisted perception, the religion that results has
             lapsed into a form which is primarily concerned with
             “what people would say,”—a way of thinking far re-
             moved from the true morality of religion.
                - . The conception of religion in the society of igno-
             rance, which has no idea or comprehension regarding the
             moral values of the Qur’an, is based on various supersti-
             tious beliefs. Various local customs and beliefs and cul-

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