Page 71 - Devoted to Allah
P. 71
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
whose vices are described as warnings in the Qur’an
made that mistake.
The main criticism heard by believers as they commu-
nicate the moral values of the Qur’an generally comes
from those “affluent people” spoiled by comfort and well-
being. Since they refuse to submit to Allah and to use the
means at their disposal in the manner He wishes, they ex-
hibit hatred toward believers. For example, it was this
anger among the pagans of Mecca that led some to seek to
imprison, expel and even kill our beloved Prophet (saas):
When those who disbelieve were plotting against you
to imprison you or kill you or expel you: they were
plotting and Allah was plotting, but Allah is the Best
of Plotters. (Surat al-Anfal: 30)
Similar examples to such communities described in
detail in the Qur’an can also be found in present-day soci-
eties. These people, who live degenerate lives, regarding
all forms of moral perversion as legitimate, and who rep-
resent the leading class in society because of the means at
their disposal, represent one of the main causes of social
moral collapse. This, the result of societies turning to all
kinds of sexual perversion and whose idea of entertain-
ment consists of the consumption of enormous quantities
of drugs and alcohol, can clearly be seen in various South
American, South Asian and Western nations.
However, it must not be forgotten that no system con-
structed on immorality, fraud, hypocrisy and injustice can
ever be permanent. All false and degenerate systems are
condemned to disappear. This truth is revealed in these
terms in the Qur’an: