Page 127 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 127
Those who followed Communist
leaders like Lenin, Mao and Stalin
saw them as strong leaders. They
listened to their speeches attentively
and with great excitement. They
thought that these persons were
individuals who possessed their own
strength. However, each leader was a
figure in their brains.
image of the external world but as a special "element". It is nobody's
sensation, nobody's mind, nobody's spirit, nobody's will. 37
These sentences show how uncomfortable this fact made materialists;
Lenin was very afraid of it and wanted to erase it from his own mind and from
the minds of his comrades. But materialists today are in a much greater state
of discomfort than Lenin was because the invalidity of materialism has, in the
last 100 years, become more clearly and strongly established. Considered in the
past to be a philosophical speculation or a matter of opinion, the unreality of
matter has now been proven for the first time in history in an irrefutable and
scientifically based manner. The science writer Lincoln Barnett says that even
hinting at this possibility makes materialist scientists anxious and fearful:
Along with philosophers' reduction of all objective reality to a shadow-
world of perceptions, scientists have become aware of the alarming
limitations of man's senses. 38
In Turkey and throughout the whole world, this fear and anxiety can be
seen very clearly in every materialist who confronts this issue. For example, in
Why Is The Truth About Matter Such An Important Subject? 125