Page 128 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 128
Turkey, materialists have suffered a serious set-back from the collapse of the
theory of evolution, which they supposed to be the basis of their philosophy.
Now they have begun to understand that they have lost a more important
support than Darwinism—matter itself. For this reason they are now saying
that, from their point of view, this issue is a very serious danger which causes
their cultural fabric to be totally shredded.
In fact, this points to a promise revealed to human beings by God in the
Koran. Where truth is plain, false ideas are bound to perish:
Say: "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always
bound to vanish." (Surat al-Isra': 81)
Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it
and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you
portray! (Surat al-Anbiya': 18)
Materialism and those who have espoused it throughout history use
matter as a pretext to rebel against God, Who created them from nothing, gave
them life and created the universe for them to live in. Asking such superficial
and ignorant questions as "If matter exists, where is God in it?", they deny the
existence of God and exert much effort to get others to deny Him. Today they
see one of their most important supports destroyed; the reality described here
has ripped their philosophy up from its roots and left no possibility for further
discussion. The matter on which they had based all their ideas, their lives, their
arrogance and their denial has slipped from their hands in an instant.
Throughout history, materialists have left a heritage of denial and
methods of denial. For example, many materialists today use the words of
Lenin quoted above and urge their associates not to listen to or read about this
reality. However, the fact that science has clearly explained the nature of
matter, together with the fact that it is so easy to use technology such as the
internet to diffuse this information throughout the world, has brought their
efforts to nothing. Individuals are reading about this reality, learning about it
and coming to understand it. Those who have accepted materialism until
recently as the most valid worldview now are very surprised to learn the real
truth about matter and life in this world. This is an extraordinary trap that God
has set for the deniers. No matter how deniers throughout history have set
traps with their foolish minds for true religion deviantly making material idols