Page 131 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 131
It is not your hand that is feeling the book of an animal. This is a fact that makes
you are holding now or the edges or the materialists very afraid. Materialists think
thickness of its pages. The feeling that you that they pass their whole lives bound to
are holding a book is something formed matter but, when they consider that they
from nerve impulses that you sense in the have never once in their whole lives been
touch center of your brain. able to touch or see the reality of matter, or
The consciousness that perceives this sense to come out of their minds, they understand
of touch is not the nerves or fats in the that they have arrived at a great impasse.
brain. In that case, what is it in the human For this reason, they make every effort to
brain that, without hands of fingers, senses keep this extraordinary and remarkable
that a person is holding a book? wonder from the eyes of others.
That being beyond matter is the human But for people in the twentyfirst century,
spirit. It is a great wonder that God makes God has created an environment where
the human spirit perceive every sensation they can grasp this important fact which
without using any organ. For example, the they experience every moment and He has
spirit even without fingers, can sense that it made scientific advances a very important
is touching a book, cotton, stone or the fur support for understanding it.