Page 105 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 105

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar              103

            and is aware every moment of the countless beautiful things
            that Allah creates for human beings. Such a person takes
            deep pleasure from the artistry in the things that Allah has
            created. For this reason, a Muslim always wants to be sur-
            rounded by beauty. His spirit always tends toward what is
            purer and more beautiful. He likes renovation and change in
            these things. When he enters a certain environment, he
            immediately notices any alterations made to it. In the same
            way, he notices lack of symmetry, and changes that have
            been done without any understanding of purity. He immedi-
            ately feels a desire to rearrange it and make it beautiful. In
            return for this genuineness, Allah bestows a great sensitivity
            on his spirit.
               In the Qur’an, Allah promises a Muslim living with this
            way of thinking a life in Paradise filled with infinite beauty
            and artistry:
               Their Lord gives them the good news of His mercy and
               good pleasure and Gardens where they will enjoy ever-
               lasting delight. (Surat at-Tawba: 21)
               But someone who lives in an ignorant culture cannot
            appreciate the blessings surrounding him. For example, if a
            delicate handmade artwork were shown to such a person, he
            would not recognize its value. He could not appreciate the
            talent of the artist who made it, the work it took or the metic-
            ulous and attentive artistry that went into it. He would not
            have in his spirit anything approaching the ability to observe,
            enjoy and appreciate the delicacy of its workmanship.
               Because of the effects of superficial culture on his mind, he
            has become unable to appreciate beauty in what he sees. But
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