Page 106 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 106


            this state is like a dangerous illness that can blind the human
            spirit. Under this culture’s degenerating influence, a person
            who cannot appreciate beauty has damaged with his own
            hands the wonderful blessing that Allah has given him.
            Finally, this person’s life falls into the state Allah describes
            in the Qur’an:

                On the Day when those who disbelieved are exposed to
                the Fire: “You dissipated the good things you had in
                your worldly life and enjoyed yourself in it . . .” (Surat
                al-Ahqaf: 20)
               However, the human spirit has been created to take plea-
            sure in every sort of spiritual and material beauty. It is dis-
            posed to appreciate beauty. But a person accustomed to his
            own superficiality and lives without improving on what is
            good and beautiful in his character, blinds his spirit. He
            becomes unable to notice beautiful things before his eyes
            and the wonderful artistry, harmony and symmetry in the
            things Allah has created. Caring only about his own sur-
            vival, he chooses goals that are debased and unworthy of the
            purpose of human life. If he sits down before a fine meal, he
            will have no awareness of the effort that went into preparing
            it and no ability to understand its subtle, aesthetic touches.
            He will never understand that its careful preparation is a
            wonderful blessing and gift from Allah. In such a situation,
            he will engage in superficiality regarding that meal.
               Also, some people with this mindset attach no impor-
            tance to the cleanliness of their bodies or their environment.
            As Allah says in the Qur’an, they live in filth because they
            do not use their intellect:
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