Page 41 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 41

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar               39

               Paradise abounds in all the blessings that the heart
            desires. It is the abode of endless delights where any individ-
            ual who practices the morality of the Qur’an desires passion-
            ately to live and expends every effort to attain. Allah tells us
            in the Qur’an that the most important thing for a believer is
            to please Him, Whose power is infinite. With this goal in
            mind, a Muslim improves his moral character every moment
            and sets his target higher every day so that he can develop
            his strength of character. For this reason, a sincere Muslim
            never regards his development as sufficient. He never gives
            up trying to develop himself and change any of those per-
            sonality traits, habits and behavior that he regards as wanti-
            ng. He is not content to limit his personality development by
            worldly comparisons. He has the will to improve his charac-
            ter every moment, and hopes to attain the maturity pleasing
            to Allah. He develops himself not by worldly measures but
            by the measure of Paradise, and prepares himself in the
            hopes that he will live among people with the kind of supe-
            rior morality that Allah has been pleased to award the
            prophets. For this reason, his goal is always high.
               However, as said earlier, those unaware individuals
            whose faith in Allah and the Hereafter is weak usually have
            their hopes squeezed within four walls. Anyone living in
            such a culture cannot easily share the high ideals of a
            Muslim. Such a person’s hopes are always limited by this
            world; he wants a nice house, a good job and family environ-
            ment and standard of living. Segments of the population
            want only to attain these classic goals, and they work hard all
            their lives to attain them.
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