Page 45 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 45
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar 43
up, his level of education or his physical appearance, a sin-
cere Muslim responds with trust and gratitude to everything
that Allah sends him. No matter how ignorant the culture
around him, his high moral character easily raises him above
it. The difference in such an individual’s appearance and
behavior and his noble faith and spiritual quality are notice-
able immediately. The finest examples are the prophets who
have lived throughout the ages. For example, though his
father was a shallow and aggressive idolater, Ibrahim (as)
was an honored prophet whom Allah loved, chose as His
messenger and made His friend:
. . . Allah took Ibrahim as an intimate friend. (Surat an-
Nisa’: 125)
Ibrahim (as) never adopted the superficial culture of his
society, but completely removed himself from it. He never
accepted anything they told him or taught him; his personal-
ity was faithful, honorable and powerful, and he lived his life
in a way so as to win Allah’s favor:
“I will separate myself from you and all you call upon
besides Allah and I will call upon my Lord. It may well
be that, in calling on my Lord, I will not be disappoint-
ed.” (Surah Maryam: 48)
Fallacious criteria that contradict the moral values con-
tained in the Qur’an carry weight in ignorant morality. For
example, a person will regard himself as having no value if
he was brought up in a bad environment according to the
norms of ignorance. If he lacks the wealth or fame that is seen
as so vital in societies removed from religious morality, he
will develop a false sense of being oppressed and inferiority