Page 49 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 49

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar               47

            lives they lived and their personalities are examples of high
            morality, nobility and excellence. They built an indestructible
            wall between themselves and the ignorant cultures others
            lived in. With the superior awareness their faith gave them,
            they remained always apart from the debased culture that
            the majority had fallen into. Because of his conscience, as we
            said above, a person with faith would never accept being a
            part of such a culture no matter what circumstances he was
            brought up under. For him, living in such a way would not
            seem fitting. Even if he knew that he would cause consterna-
            tion among his acquaintances and lose their affections, he
            would never allow a single thought or action of such debased
            culture to adulterate his character as a Muslim.
               Those who live in the debased culture of ignorance may
            make themselves a lot of friends in their society. They may
            gain material means and form friendships based on profit.
            They may be deceived by the large numbers of people living
            shallow lives, and advance friendships with such people
            with the idea of increasing their own gain. They may think
            they can obtain power and respect by conforming to the
            majority—even if the majority is made up of those with
            debased moral characters. According to the Qur’an, howev-
            er, this idea is totally wrong. In the following verses, Allah
            tells us that real excellence and nobility come from living the
            moral life of faithful Muslims and making friends with them:

               Do those who take the unbelievers as protectors, rather
               than the believers, hope to find honor with them? Honor
               belongs entirely to Allah. (Surat an-Nisa’: 139)
               . . . But all honor belongs to Allah and to His messenger
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