Page 54 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 54
what they feel. They regard it as unfitting to say anything
disrespectful that would plant doubt or resentment in the
heart of another. This conscientious, intelligent and fine
fashion is seen not only in how they speak to others but also
in their logic and behavior. We can easily understand from
what Allah says in the Qur’an that believers are meticulous
about showing respect:
. . . Those who lower their voices when they are with the
Messenger of Allah are people whose hearts Allah has
tested for heedfulness. They will have forgiveness and
an immense reward. (Surat al-Hujurat: 3)
Just as sincere Muslims have good spirit and noble char-
acter, so those who adopt the religion of superficiality have
debased spirits and ignoble characters. Even if such people
were in the same company with Muslims, they would not
change themselves. They feel no need to develop and
improve themselves. Because they have shrouded their con-
sciences and followed the path of satan, they do not find it
necessary to compare the good and refined behavior of
Muslims with their own crude, superficial moral quality.
Pleased with their intelligence, they regard their superficial
behavior as natural. These people’s situation is like that of a
fish; it swims in water and knows nothing of the world
above it. However, those of shallow character who lived in
the Age of Happiness had our respected and honorable
Prophet (saas) whom they could take as an example:
You have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah,
for all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and
remember Allah much. (Surat al-Ahzab: 21)