Page 51 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 51


                       MANIFESTS ITSELF

               Bedouins and Their Debased Culture
               In the days of the Prophet Muhammad (saas), as in every
            period of history, there were those whose crude and shallow
            minds could not understand the subtleties of religious moral-
            ity. Faith had not settled into their hearts. As already said at
            the beginning of this book, some who adopted this religion of
            superficiality were the Bedouins:
               The desert Arabs are more obdurate in disbelief and
               hypocrisy and more likely not to know the limits which
               Allah has sent down to His Messenger . . . (Surat at-
               Tawba: 97)
               It is revealed in the Qur’an that the Bedouins were more
            given to disobedience and ignoring boundaries. Even though
            they personally met a blessed individual like the Prophet
            (saas), engaged him in conversation and heard his message,
            and even though they witnessed his special moral character
            and noble and modern demeanor, most Bedouins remained
            backward, crude and shallow. This could be seen in their
            inability to properly appreciate Allah’s glory, their wrong
            attitudes toward religion and obedience, the way they sat
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