Page 71 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 71
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar 69
As previously stated, this perverse culture can sometimes
be very cruel and heartless; even while people appear to be
benign and peaceful, they choose subjects for conversation to
make others uncomfortable and to promote themselves. All
this exerts an influence only on those who share this culture.
A Muslim who believes in Allah and trusts in Him could
never share on the same level with people of this culture. He
could never take this truth out of his mind:
Do you not see those who praise themselves for purity?
No, Allah purifies whoever He wills . . . (Surat an-Nisa’:
Reactions of sadness and jealousy common to shallow
personalities are never to be seen in a person of faith. For this
reason, people of a shallow, debased culture can never make
devout Muslims share in it; their shallow conversations
would never obtain any response. Muslims believe that Allah
owns every possession and is the Creator of everything;
therefore, they learn from the way others praise themselves
and exalt themselves in their conversations. Rather than
being influenced by these things, such conversations produce
a kind of repulsion in their hearts, because the only One wor-
thy of praise is Allah, the Lord of the heavens, the Earth and
all that lies in between:
. . . Sovereignty and praise belong to Him. He has power
over all things. (Surat at-Taghabun: 1)
And say: “Praise be to Allah Who has had no son and
Who has no partner in His Kingdom and Who needs no
one to protect Him from abasement. . . ” (Surat al-Isra’: