Page 75 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 75
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar 73
they did. Allah has knowledge of all things. (Surat al-
Mujadala: 7)
In doing this they display a total lack of awareness. They
can secretly say prejudiced things about others, clearly
intended to show these people’s weak points based mostly
on slander and conjecture. Instead of being morally upright
and thinking positively, these gossips take delight in sharing
the ill-intentioned ideas from their malicious minds and are
designed to stir up dissension. However while those people
engage in unaware conversations, Allah witnesses them. He
reveals in the Qur’an:
Or do they imagine that We do not hear their secrets and
their private talk? On the contrary Our messengers are
right there with them writing it down! (Surat az-Zukhruf:
In the gossip spread among people with this moral char-
acter, what is said is not always clear. Sometimes they adopt
a manner of speaking that lets someone unacquainted with
the person in question believe that the words directed toward
him are actually praise. However, this praise is actually hyp-
ocritical mockery, designed to deride the person being spo-
ken of. But those who understand the same language also
understand what is being said and about whom. This is
because every word is insidiously chosen and the conversa-
tion is laced with subtle, satanic innuendo. In this way, they
give their conversation the appearance of innocence and con-
tinue in their shallowness. However, in the Qur’an, Allah for-
bids His servants to engage in gossip:
You who believe! Avoid most suspicion. Indeed some