Page 72 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 72
Any sincere Muslim knows that Allah has given all His
blessings to human beings as a test:
Do not let their wealth and children impress you. Allah
merely wants to punish them by them during their life
in this world and for them to expire while they are unbe-
lievers. (Surat at-Tawba: 55)
Another common attribute in these people’s conversa-
tions is their lack of interest in world events, the cruelty and
oppression directed toward Muslims and the difficulties suf-
fered by the weak and helpless. Always occupied with the
small world they have created for themselves, they never
come face to face with the many larger ones. Most often they
are completely unaware of what is going in the world, the
difficulties that occur because people do not live according
to the moral values of the Qur’an, those conflicts and wars
that are sparked because of the absence of religious morali-
ty and people forced to live in hunger and poverty. Because
these events do not touch them personally, they do not care
about them. When asked about such matters, they are clear-
ly unaware of the issues and not concerned.
Their world is limited by issues such as what they will eat
and drink, trips they will take, their families and careers.
They don’t wonder why other people suffer or what can be
done about it; their consciences are unaffected by these
things. The need to search for practical solutions that will
end suffering does not cross their minds. They always leave
such responsibility to others. Accepting that they themselves
are superficial and shallow-minded, they see themselves as
exempt from taking responsibility for such matters. It makes