Page 79 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 79

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar               77

               Their Sense of Humor and Enjoyment
               Shallow people laugh at shallow things. Most of the
            things that amuse these people would not amuse anyone else
            removed from that shallowness. For example, human defi-
            ciencies are an important element of humor for people in this
            culture. These deficiencies must be overcome by using will
            and intelligence, and no sensible person would ever make
            these a matter of discussion. But for the shallow, they can be
            a source of rich entertainment. But no one wants to hear
            about people’s shortcomings and, if they do so inadvertently,
            pretend that they did not. Superficial people, on the contrary,
            make a special joke of these weaknesses and laugh at them.
            This primitive sense of enjoyment can also be seen in some
            films and television programs.
               Similarly, laughing at some people’s physical imperfec-
            tions has an important place in the entertainment of this shal-
            low culture. When such people see a person who is shorter
            than normal, for example, they break out laughing. Because
            they are themselves unaware and shallow, they do not con-
            sider that their situation in life comes by the will of Allah and
            that He could test them with similar deficiencies. Besides, it
            never crosses their minds that their laughing at people can
            embarrass them.
               In general, the jokes these people make are detracting,
            intended to exalt themselves, but belittle, criticize and humil-
            iate someone else. The humor shown by Muslims who prac-
            tice religious morality is intended primarily to amuse others.
            Were they to make a criticizing joke, its humor would only
            criticize themselves. Muslims have a highly developed sense
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