Page 83 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 83

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar               81

            religious values and will take no part in such conversation. In
            the Qur’an, Allah describes this noble quality that marks the
            Muslim character:
               When they hear worthless talk they turn away from it
               and say, “We have our actions and you have your actions.
               Peace be upon you. We do not desire the company of the
               ignorant.” (Surat al-Qasas: 55)

               Shallow people often seem unaware while amusing them-
            selves. For example, if they are watching a television pro-
            gram they like and someone nearby has a health problem,
            they will show no interest. They may even be irritated if
            asked for help, as if the person in distress has spoiled their
            entertainment. Because they are shallow and inhumane, they
            prefer entertainment to helping those in distress. And they
            continue sitting in front of the television without any pangs
            of conscience. However, their behavior prevents them from
            enjoying their entertainment as they expected. Their shallow
            sense of amusement is reflected in what they choose to laugh
            at. They will be amused for hours by a program that repeats
            the same old jokes and has nothing in it to give a person
               Of course, the shallowness spoken of here does not lie in
            watching television or taking entertainment from it. These
            people’s shallow culture develops in them an unaware sense
            of amusement that is far from human values. A Muslim who
            fears Allah and practices religious morality is always aware.
            Because he always acts with the intelligence given to him by
            his faith, he can quickly overcome all situations that confront
            him. He is aware even when it comes to entertainment. Allah
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