Page 78 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 78
pens, they seek to defend their pride. They offer several
excuses to show that anyone would do the same thing in the
same circumstances. However, a person’s failure to accept
his faults is one of the greatest obstacles to his personal
development and attaining a good moral character.
Someone who does not trust Allah is afraid to acknowl-
edge his mistakes. He remains bemired in apprehension,
thinking, “If I make a mistake in such a simple matter, what
will people think of me when it comes to important ones?”
It doesn’t cross his mind to leave everything to Allah’s will,
to take refuge in Him, to trust and rely on Him. If he thought
about this, he would know that Allah knows everything,
would be content, and would feel no need to offer explana-
tions to anyone.
The alibis offered in this debased culture, which makes
people forget Allah and give preference to human ideas, are
not limited to mistakes and instances of thoughtlessness.
People in this culture always feel the need to give alibis
about reasonable, legitimate actions that ordinary people do
in the course of a day. Similar apprehensions lie at the root
of this too.
Because their spirit and personality are not mature, they
are squeezed into their little world. They cannot be happy
and content themselves, and cannot allow others to be so.
They have abandoned the morality of the Islamic religion
that Allah has been pleased to choose for mankind. Such
anxiety and apprehension is the reward they receive in this
world for their choosing to live in the miserable system of