Page 81 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 81

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar               79

            that he was laughing too hard to speak. Besides, he would
            laugh while pointing out human deficiencies he could have
            pretended not to notice. For example, he gives nicknames
            that point out people’s imperfections. However, in the
            Qur’an, Allah forbids giving people derisive or maliciously
            intended nicknames:

               You who believe! People should not ridicule others who
               may be better than themselves; nor should any women
               ridicule other women who may be better than them-
               selves. And do not find fault with one another or insult
               each other with derogatory nicknames . . . (Surat al-
               Hujurat: 11)
               Those who are entertained by mocking humor do not con-
            sider that they are encompassed soul and body by an infinite
            Power. They can act in such a superficial manner because
            they do not realize that Allah could punish them at any time,
            that He could take their lives and bring them face to face with
            the angels of death. But a person who knows that he is in the
            presence of Allah could never mock another because of the
            respectful fear he feels in his heart. The humor based on
            mockery displayed so often by superficial people is an indi-
            cation of their shallow thinking and lack of proper reverence
            for Allah.
               Those who live in a superficial culture do not feel uncom-
            fortable engaging in conversations that are not observant of
            the respect due to Allah, or religious and sacred concepts.
            Allah tells us how people of shallow character did this
            unseemly thing in the days of the Prophet (saas):
               When an example is made of the son of Maryam your
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