Page 55 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 55

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

            covert activities to help the atheistic ideologies become more prevalent. In order to
            thwart the efforts of the Muslims to establish the reign of the moral values of the

            Qur'an over the world and doom them to failure, hypocrites set up all sorts of
                               schemes and stratagems.

                As explained in the verse, another common practice hypocrites have to harm

            Muslims "is to create a division between the believers". Driving a wedge between

            Muslims, 'making them disagree with each other, preventing them from forming

            close friendships or good-natured relationships by smearing, telling lies or play-
                                       ing tricks' is again one of the treacherous tricks hypocrites play on Muslims.

                Another technique hypocrites tend to employ is to be "in readiness for those

            who previously made war on God and His Messenger." In order to harm Muslims,

            hypocrites tend to seek out and find those who fought against Muslims before, and

            contact them. For example, if there is a group of hypocrites somewhere, or a
            group of those who deny God are gathered somewhere and plotting against

            Muslims, hypocrites immediately contact them and try to provoke them even

            further against the believers.
                                    There is no limit to such treacherous activities and methods hypocrites tend to
                                employ against Muslims. Based on the conditions and available opportunities, they
                                     continuously find new sinister ways and develop them. Nevertheless, when ap-
                                        proached, they speak untruthfully and say they are good-natured and innocent
            people with the words: "We only desired the best." They always try to introduce
            themselves as clever, honest and well-behaved people who want nothing but good.

            But in fact, they are only interested in evil deeds, and their words are nothing but

            lies. God revealed hypocrites' despicable character at the end of the verse by saying,

            "But God bears witness that they are truly liars."

                In the Qur'an, God informs us saying: "God will not give unbelievers any

            way against the believers." And because of this reason, in their alliance with unbe-

            lievers, whatever they do, hypocrites can never attain the success they desire, as re-

            vealed by God's verses in the Qur'an. In the following verse from the Qur'an, God

            reveals that Muslims will certainly be victorious in the end:

                             Our Word was given before to Our servants, the Messengers, that they would
                                  certainly be helped. It is Our army which will be victorious. (Surat as-Saffat,

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