Page 59 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 59

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

             media accounts that reflect the mindset of unbelievers. They refrain from being
            identified as Muslims on these platforms, just as they do in their daily lives. At almost

            every opportunity, hypocrites share posts that reveal their evil side and hint at their
                                         sympathy towards unbelievers. Even though they share several faith-related posts in

            order not be exposed by Muslims, they make a point of keeping the number of such

            posts far fewer than the others so that they go unnoticed.

               However, there is an important fact hypocrites who employ such methods over-

            look: The difference between hypocrites and Muslims can be perceived right away
                                             through the signs of disbelief that hypocrites exhibit. And this is utterly humiliating

            for them. Muslims bear holy light; they set an example for all humanity with their

            good moral values, nobility, high-quality, sharp minds, love and compassion.

            The holy light of Muslims illuminate everywhere they go. They are people of

            benevolence for the entire world. Their moral values, words and manners bring
                                      benefit and goodness to people wherever they reach. Every person -be it a believer

            or not- who comes across a message shared by Muslims, cannot help but admire

            such good moral values and is impressed by it.

               It is a great honor for a person to be a Muslim. Hypocrites seeking to empha-

            size that they are not sacred people as Muslims, becomes a blessing for the be-

            lievers. By doing so, hypocrites reveal their hatred and grudge towards Muslims

            they harbor in their hearts.

                           ADNAN  OKTAR:  "But  then  when  they  go  apart  with  their  satans,

                           they say, 'We are really with you." Actually, hypocrites say, 'I have
                                        no association with believers'. Therefore, hypocrites do not want
                                to be associated with Muslims. They abstain from it. They do not
                                        want their names to be mentioned with Muslims. Hypocrites say,
                           "We were only mocking." (Surat al-Baqara, 14) In other words, they

                           mean, 'We are only making fun of them; we take advantage of

                           them to gather intelligence. Otherwise, we have nothing to do with
                           them.' It is vital for hypocrites not to be associated with Muslims in
                           any way. Because, they believe that this is the only way they can
                           act freely around unbelievers. That is of their opinion, of course.

                           (A9 TV, January 24 , 2016)
                                    ADNAN OKTAR: For those who want to understand the sickness that plagues hyp-
                                   ocrites, God has created a convenient means in the century we are in. Take a look
             at their Facebook profiles, their Internet pages and you will see their sickness in its

             entirety, on display like a painting. Who are they associated with, what do they do,

             what is their outlook on God, on the Qur'an? Hypocrites never mention their love to-
                                         wards God or the prophets. They never want to utter a single word about religious
                                    subjects as they feel ashamed, embarrassed to do so. (A9 TV, January 25 , 2016)

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