Page 57 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 57

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

            So, in almost every platform, hypocrites draw upon 'such philosophical discourse
            and intellectual arguments of the irreligious' so that they are regarded as one of
            them. They share in their social media accounts images, sayings and movies
            that promote such ideas. They give likes to the posts of those who are deemed 'ex-
            perts' in these subjects amongst unbelievers and share quotes from such individuals
            in their social media pages. Thus, they believe they have shed their 'monotonous

            Muslim' image and by doing so they have 'earned a great prestige' among unbe-
                However, what is actually monotonous is the superstitious philosophies un-
            believers and hypocrites abide by and the superficial lives they lead. Islam is the
                  true religion that teaches people how to most beautifully experience all the
            beauties the life has to offer and how to be as happy as possible in this world.

            When a Muslim lives by the morals of religion, he is perfectly able to make use of

            the benefits of all the blessings in the world and take utmost delight in everything

            they do, whereas the cold, dark, dull and unsettled character of unbelievers only

            lead them to a path paved with unhappiness, unease and quandaries. This is just

            the agony hypocrites and unbelievers go through in their worldly life. But in the

            hereafter, they will suffer an eternal, unrelenting torment.

                                          ADNAN  OKTAR: Hypocrites  consider  Islam  to
                                          be  monotonous  –  surely  Islam  is  beyond  this.
                                          They prefer irreligion over Islam. For example,
                                               a book about Islam or the Qur'an bores them.
                                          But they like books written by unbelievers and

                                          read  them  with  pleasure.  They  abstain  from

                                          reading books about God, the Book or religion.
                                          And they wouldn't tell people even if they do
                                          as  they  consider  it  humiliating  to  do  so.  But
                                          hypocrites like to read books or articles of un-
                                          believers  that  are  ambiguous  and  incompre-

                                          hensible merely for the sake of snobbery and

                                          they take credit for themselves from these kinds
                                          of books. They consider reading such books to
                                          be exalting their arrogance. Almighty God rep-
                                          rimands unbelievers in a verse saying, "Do those
                                          who take unbelievers as protectors, rather than

                                          the believers, hope to find power and strength
                                          with  them?"Hypocrites  always  hope  to  find
                                          power and honor with unbelievers. (A9 TV, June
                                          23 , 2016)

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