Page 10 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 10


                                  ickedness, injustice, grief, pessimism, trouble,
                                  loneliness, fear, stress, frustration, distrust, un-
                     W scrupulousness, anxiety, rage, jealousy, resent-
                     ment, drug addiction, immorality, gambling, prostitution,

                     hunger, poverty, social corruption, theft, war, struggle, vio-
                     lence, oppression, fear of death… News stories about these is-
                     sues appear in the newspapers and on TV every day. The pop-
                     ular press devotes entire pages to these subjects, while others
                     serialize articles about their psychological and social aspects.
                     However, your acquaintance with these feelings is not limited
                     solely to the press; in daily life, you also frequently come across

         8           such problems and, more importantly, personally experience
                         People and societies endeavor to liberate themselves from
                     the distressing experiences, disorder and repressive social
                     structures that have prevailed over the world for long periods.
                     We only need to glance at ancient Greece, the great Roman
                     Empire, Tsarist Russia or the so-called Age of Enlightenment,
                     and even the 20th century-a century of misery which saw two

                     world wars and world-wide social disasters. No matter upon
                     which century or location you concentrate your research, the
                     picture will not be appreciably different.

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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